As a part-time DJ and all around music lover you can bet I loves me my tunes. Music can be a great tool to keep your tempo up or to help pass the time as you pedal. iPods and other MP3 players are everywhere and I'm sure you've seen plenty of cyclists, walkers and runners out sweatin' to the oldies. The question every cyclist should be asking themselves is, "is it safe?"
If you asked me my answer would be NO. There are many hazards that you will face during your cycling career and you need your sight AND your hearing working to avoid them. Using your ears is extra important when it comes to hearing someone who may be overtaking you.
That being said I do believe there is room for compromise if you must have some accompaniment on your trek. After you get some experience handling your bike so you can react quicker you may be able to get away with using a headphone in one ear. Keep the volume low and try to avoid the earbuds that block out all noise when they are inserted. Put the headphone in your right ear since you will most likely be passed on the left side and make sure you secure the other headphone so it's not dangling around waiting to get tangled in something. If you've got a mobile device (iPhone, iPod Touch, Android Phone, etc.) that supports Bluetooth you can use a wireless headset as long as it supports the A2DP profile.
Most importantly stay alert, stay safe and get out and ride!
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